You may have heard a lot of myths about teeth whitening, such as it "makes teeth look fake" or "it hurts your teeth." Additionally, you might believe many home remedies work and that finding the best cosmetic dentist is a futile effort.
Nothing could be further from the truth, and since 96% of adults believe an attractive smile makes a person more appealing to members of the opposite sex we believe it's worth pursuing. When you seek out the services of the best cosmetic dentist around you, expect these big teeth whitening myths to be immediately busted!
The best teeth whitening treatments from the best cosmetic dentistry practices actively improve the way your teeth look. There's nothing fake, illusory, or bad about them at all. Commonly using a concentrated blend of hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide, they actively improve the look of your natural teeth.
If DIY solutions worked just as well as the best cosmetic dentists around, then why would the latter even exist? To put it simply, home or grocery store remedies for whitening can only do so much, and eventually, you'll need to seek out the services of a professional to get deep consistent whitening done.
One way to enhance your facial appearance is with a beautiful smile, and something that can enhance that smile is shiny white teeth. According to a survey by the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, more than half the adult population over the age of 50 agree that a smile is the one physical feature that stays most attractive as we age. Another important fact is that 32% of the people asked, say they're concerned by the look of their teeth.
In fact, such whitening gels may hasten the process, but their effects will probably not last that long. Additionally, these 'strong' products can increase tooth sensitivity and even create pain.
In fact, these appliances are made of porcelain. Whitening products are designed for natural teeth and work in a manner to reduce stains through a corrosive process. In order to make them look natural, it may be necessary to replace the appliances with those that match your whitened teeth.
Teeth that have been whitened will continue to age and, over time, lose their luster. One way to help maintain white teeth is through the avoidance of tobacco products and beverages that are known to stain teeth. Additionally, whitened teeth will need occasional touch-ups that can be done professionally or with home kits.
The best cosmetic dentist in your area can provide more information about the teeth whitening process. You should especially consider a consultation with the Inspire Dental Group.
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