When you consume large quantities of soda, candy, or other sugary treats, you increase your chances of tooth decay. The bacteria in your mouth digest these sugars and release acids, which can eat into the enamel on your teeth. When your enamel is attacked by these bacteria, holes known as cavities can form in your teeth.
If you're worried you have a cavity, you're not alone. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, up to 5% of people aged 20-64in the U.S. have at least one cavity. Here are some of the signs that you may be dealing with cavities and should seek a dental service right away.
Tooth sensitivity when developing or experiencing a cavity can be moderate to severe. This is one symptom that's noticed by almost everyone who has cavities. In most instances, the pain seems to occur from out of nowhere. If your teeth start displaying heightened sensitivity, you must seek dentistry services as soon as possible.
The sensitivity that results from cavities and tooth decay can be quite noticeable when you consume certain foods or beverages. Extremely hot or cold substances can trigger mouth or tooth pain. If you're experiencing pain while eating or drinking, check with your dentist to find out what may be causing this discomfort.
As you might imagine from the word itself, a cavity may create visible, tiny holes where the decay is taking place. If you notice tiny pits or holes in your teeth, it's likely because you're developing cavities. Another accompanying symptom you may experience is bad breath. Since cavities are infected areas, they can be breeding grounds for bacteria. Having too much bad bacteria in your mouth tends to cause bad breath. Visit the dentist as soon as possible for teeth cleaning and other treatments if any of these issues are affecting your self-confidence. A knowledgeable dentist can restore your smile and boost your self-esteem.
These are just a few signs of cavities to watch out for. It's important to visit the dentist regularly to ensure your teeth and gums are in tip-top shape. Only a professional dentist can assess your mouth and determine if you have cavities. If you'd like a check-up, give ProSmile Dentistry a call today! We provide the most trusted dental services in the area, and we also offer cosmetic dentistry to keep your smile looking its best!
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